
Today we will

  • talk about daily activities
  • learn to say the time

Will Cotton works in an office in New York. He goes to work at 7:30. He starts work at 8:15. He usually finishes work at 6:00, but has meetings after work. After his meetings he goes to the gym, or has a drink with friends in the cafe. He gets home at 9:00 and has dinner. He goes to bed at 12:15 am. It's a very busy day. How does he do it?

'Easy', says Will, 'At 4:30 I go to MetroNaps.' MetroNaps is a company in New York. At MetroNaps you get into a machine called the MetroNap pod. You listen to quiet, relaxing music and then go to sleep. After twenty minutes, the pod moves with music and light and you wake up.

MetroNaps also has a cafe, and there are sandwiches and drinks for you after your nap.

Will likes MetroNaps. ‘I get my best ideas in bed, not at a desk’, - says Will. ‘When I go to work after a nap, I'm relaxed. I'm not stressed in meetings after work. I do more with my day.'

The MetroNaps offices are in the Empire State Building in New York. It's open from 10:00 to 6:00. It's a very quiet place.

Answer the questions

  1. Where does Will Cotton work?
  2. What time does he start work?
  3. What time does he finish work?
  4. What is a nap?
  5. Where is MetroNaps?
  6. Why does Will like MetroNaps?
  7. What time does MetroNaps open and close?
  8. How many hours is it open?

Put the events in order for a typical MetroNap

  • You have a sandwich and a drink.
  • You get into the MetroNap pod.
  • The MetroNap pod moves.
  • You go to MetroNaps.
  • You listen to quiet music.
  • You wake up.
  • You go to sleep.

Vocabulary: collocations have, go, get

Find these words in the text and put them in the correct columns

to work / to the gym meetings a drink dinner a shower dressed breakfast classes a break lunch to bed to sleep ideas a nap

  • have
  • get
  • go

Telling the time

Say the times for the clocks

Listen and complete the clocks.


Listen and write the sentences that you hear:

Now I can

  • Can you talk about daily activities?
  • Can you say the time?