Our holiday was lovely.
We were in Canada.
I wasn't very happy.
The shops weren't open.
I watched TV last night.
They did not / didn't watch TV last night.
Did you watch TV last night?
Форма past simple правильных глаголов образуется при помощи -ed: walk – walked.
последняя согласная может удваиваться: stop – stopped.
Если слово оканчивается на согласный + y, окончание меняется на -ied
try - tried, tidy - tidied, study - studied
Если слово оканчивается на гласный + y, прибавляется окончание -ed
play - played, enjoy - enjoyed
Окончание ed может произноситься как /d/ после звонких согласных и гласных; как /t/ после глухих и шипящих согласных; как /id/ после букв d, t в конце слова. played /d/, looked / t/, counted /id/.
Для образования отрицательных и вопросительных предложений необходим вспомогательный глагол did:
I played football yesterday.
Did you play football yesterday?
I didn’t (did not) play volleyball yesterday.
They ______________ (remember) the tickets but they ______________ (not remember) the passports.
He _____________ (want) a book but he ____________ (not want) that book.
They ______________ (visit) Washington but they ______________ (not visit) the White House.
They ____________ (enjoy) the city but they ____________ (not enjoy) the weather.
They ______________ (like) the hotel but they ______________ (not like) the food.
Irregular verbs have a different form in the pasl simple affirmative.
Scott's Millennium Blog
On December 31, my friend and I _____________ (be) on a train from Switzerland to Spain. We _____________ (have) a compartment for two people, some champagne and nice food. We _____________ (want) to be on a train for the new millennium. The train _____________ (not stop) at midnight, but it _____________ (stop) twenty minutes later. We _____________ (drink) our champagne and _____________ (look) out of the window. We _____________ (not sleep) all night we _____________ (sit) and _____________ (talk). We _____________ (get) home to Barcelona at 8 am in the morning on January 1st. It _____________ (be) a good New Year's Eve.